Winona Rasheed

Friday, March 25, 2011

Wohali Book Update

Announcing: The new look for "Wohali and the Little People" has just been released by Writers Exchange Publishing.
Out with the old and in with the new! Same great story, however with a new book Cover. The new look is awesome in my eyes. What do you think?
Like all of Writer's Exchange books, Wohali is an ebook and this means that you can read this story 11 different ways using your particular reading devise, for instance a Kindle or a Microsoft Reader. Here are the formats that Writer Exchange has.
# pdf (iphone, Kobo - even picture books will display on this ereader, but in monochrome)
# html (opens in your browser, can run on the iphone or other mobile phones)
# Microsoft Reader (lit)
# Mobipocket Unencrypted (prc) for the Kindle and other devices
# Ebookwise: imp 1150 (for the ebookwise reader and imp 2150 [color version])
# Rocket
# Palm/Ebookreader
# exe (for your computer: immediately executable in Windows, this one shows the pages flipping)
# dnl (for your computer: has the pages flipping on screen, latest versions of these books should run on a Mac)
# epub (for the ipad, Sony, Kobo reading devices and many others)

Need a good book in an instant, try reading Wohali and the Little People, A book targeted to the Middle Grade reading audience.

Visit Writer's Exchange today.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Update on Books

Are you wondering just how many books this author has released? I am an African American woman, author, writer, freelancer, homemaker, wife, babysitter and I have managed to have published 6 books. I also have two book ideas that I sent out just a week or so ago. So if all goes well, this author will have accumulated 8 books.

In this blog, I mentioned that "Broken Voices" was coming out soon. Well it is here and so is "A New Home for Her Cubs" That title wasn't even mentioned.

Hey, don't forget, if you are in need of good books for your children, even the middle graders and young adults, I have them. Also, remember to that all of my books are sold on They can be bought as ebooks and paperback books.